I came across this survey conducted by Glamour Magazine. They polled over 16,000 women and came up with some eye opening information.
75% of women surveyed said professional achievements make them feel better about their body.
96% of women said exercise makes them like their body more.
85% of women said having sex makes them feel good about their shape.
95% of women said getting compliments from other women helps them like their shape.
97% of women said eating healthy boosts their body image.
How are YOU doing in these departments?
Are you feeling good about your body image?
Are you comfortable having sex?
Do you feed yourself healthy, nutritious foods?
Are you bursting with self confidence and know how to ask for what you need?
In order to feel your best, you need to commit to yourself, commit to being the most confident, radiant, magnetic, brilliant, mojo-licious woman that both you and I know you are.
In any part of a woman's life, its important to feel and know you are being and doing your best. Motherhood, I have found to be a big trigger, its shown me I am here to set a good example and teach my daughter how to live, so I better do it properly! I often think about how badly I used to treat my body, my temple, before pregnancy. I am grateful to come to this realisation and grateful I can help show my daughter self confidence as she grows and becomes a beautiful young woman.